Wen Reese, founder of Gloo Consulting sitting with her laptop.
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Fractional COO for Small Businesses

Run your company right with smart smooth operations and get growing





Hustler, are you feeling maxed out working in your business?

Maybe you’re spending too much of your time outside your sweet spot, or maybe, on the flip side, you’re putting too much time toward what you love to the detriment of the other parts of your company.

  • Are things slipping through the cracks?

  • Are you juggling too much?

  • Does it feel like everything is in your head?

  • Are you caught in the whirlwind of day-to-day operations?

  • Are you struggling to delegate a clear plan to your team?

  • Have you lost sight of the company’s vision?

The truth is, this is normal for a growing business, but it doesn’t have to stay like this.

Your entrepreneurial spirit is rare and special

Let’s fan that flame and get you the help you need to avoid burnout.

Hi, I’m Wen!

I help small businesses bridge the gap between their vision and its implementation. 

Helping entrepreneurs is my jam. I love seeing a fellow small business owner boldly step into their dream and create a product or bring a service to the marketplace that’s needed. I started and ran my own kid’s apparel company, Skylar Luna, which grew to be incredibly successful – featured on the Today Show, in People Magazine, and even gained a loyal celebrity following from Jessica Simpson, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Garner and others. Before that, for over ten years, I worked in corporate actuarial consulting with all types of Fortune 500 companies and am still a certified Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA).

I know what it’s like to take a risk and quit the “safe” 9-5 to launch a dream. I know what it takes to launch and grow a business without any prior entrepreneurial experience. Now, with my IAOBM certification and my 20+ years of experience with all sorts of business scenarios, I’m helping small business owners like you cut through the noise and straight-up busyness of business operations so you can have a clear plan, get tasks off your plate, and grow your company.

Headshot of Wen Reese, Founder of Gloo Consulting standing in front of a painted brick wall

Kind Words from the Best Clients

It’s Time to Get Your Business in Order

You should be able to build a successful business you’re proud of and have a team around you that you can rely on to get things done right.

Number 1

Schedule a Call

Number 2

Choose Your Service

Number 3

We Get After It

Wen Reese, Founder of Gloo Consulting leaning on a brick wall with her arms crossed
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What Gloo Can Do For You

Within the realm of business operations, there are a lot of things I can help you with, which we can get into more when we chat. To break down the services you’ll get when we work together into more specific categories, I like to use “The 4 P’s”:


Gain clarity and plan out your big-picture business goals


Identify positions you need, hire the right people, and lead them well


Create smart, scalable, and efficient processes to support your business’ growth


Track your progress toward your goals (yes, with real numbers)

90-day Engagement

This is a more extensive and extended business diagnosis experience where I am able to get into much more of the details of your business operations. I essentially become part of your team as a temporary COO for 90 days to help you identify priorities, including both long-term and short-term goals, and help you begin to execute them. This may include system/software upgrades, team and management recommendations, etc. 

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Choose Your Service

There are three main ways I help my clients streamline and improve their business operations. Looking for a customized plan? Just ask!

1x Business Diagnosis

Over the course of 7 days, I jump in and analyze all aspects of your business holistically — from operations, management, and systems, to marketing, and more. I’ll give you a diagnostic report full of recommendations for you to implement.

Fractional COO Retainer

With this option, you’re essentially bringing me in to join your team on a part-time basis, which gives us the opportunity to really get into all the elements of your business. Initially, we’ll make important short-term improvements, and over the long term, we’ll continuously work together on the bigger-picture goals you have to help the business grow.


  • GLOO is an acronym that stands for: Grow, Laugh, Organize, and Optimize – because all four of these elements are essential for small business owners and their businesses to thrive.

  • I have worked with many different types of businesses and industries. While each business sells something unique — and it could be online services, e-commerce, or brick-and-mortar — there are commonalities that thread through all small businesses.

    All businesses deal with customers, finances, staff/vendor management, marketing, sales, new product launches, systems, etc. So while I may or may not have worked with a business in your exact industry before, I know business and am confident I can help you too because for any small business to truly thrive, the business owner needs to focus more on being the CEO and less on being a task manager/doer.

  • Your life should be easier, not harder, especially when it comes to finding someone to help get work off your plate. Getting started is simple:

    (1) Schedule a Call

    (2) Choose Your Service

    (3) We Get After It.

  • That’s a great question. The best way I can help you identify this is by chatting with you. Simply schedule a free initial call below, and let’s connect about the pain points and opportunities in your business.

Schedule a Free First Call

Interested in working with me? Great! Simply use the calendar below to book your first free 30-minute Zoom call with me. We’ll discuss what your needs are and how I can best help you. Can’t wait to to meet you!





Wen Reese, founder of Gloo Consulting sitting with her laptop.

You Can Grow Your Business and Have a Life

You don’t have to feel stuck or overwhelmed juggling all. the. things. for your business.